Are you searching for beautiful village drawing ideas? Then this article is all for you.
Here you will get mind-blowing ideas, which can be used as a reference to make better drawings.
This list of drawing ideas includes 21+ inspirational village scenery to enhance your artistic skills.

We are providing references for villages with paddy fields, village scenery painting hillside village scenery with oil pastel drawings, etc.
1. Women Planting Saplings

In this village scene, womens are working in paddy fields. illustration of a lady, a farmer. This watercolor painting looks gorgeous.
2. Houses and the Pond

A beautiful landscape with a river flowing through the village can be an option for decorating your wall.
3. Riverside Village

Here’s an easy and beautiful Acrylic color painting of a riverside village. The vibrant color of the painting is very attractive.
4. Women with Clay Pots

This oil pastel drawing has the natural touch of a hillside village. It demonstrates a women going to fill water in pots.
5. Potter Making Pots

The well-drawn countryside life, when clay Potter is giving shape to the pots.
6. Snake Charmer

This painting has a beautiful scene of a snake charmer entertaining the inhabitants. The picture would give you perspective about crowd-drawing.
7. Farmer with an OX

The farmland in this painting is sharply drawn & the blue sky looks beautiful.
8. Rural Scene

The artist has represented the rural life of India. In which the villagers are doing their work.
9. Bullock Cart in the Field

The scene of this Khmer Painting is attractive and the house is surrounded by green crops.
10. Harvesting Season

If you want to practice figure drawing or create a beautiful village working scene, So this painting would help you as a reference.
11. Village Fair

Here’s Greenwich Village Fair Acrylic on canvas painting. The detail of this cityscape painting is gorgeous.
12. Handpump in Village

This is a graphite pencil-on-paper cityscape drawing. This black-and-white village sketch looks good.
13. Village Sunset

Sunset and its beautiful reflection are made to catch our attention. Superior quality of artistic skill has been used in this landscape to achieve the desired look.
14. Countryside Hut

If you like this gorgeous countryside painting. So you can make this painting to hang in your living area for decoration.
15. Lonely Hut

Here’s a simple landscape drawing. This scenery drawing is for beginners.
16. Holi Celebration

The scene in this painting is of villagers celebrating the Holi festival. The combination of colors is well good-looking.
17. Washing Clothes

This is a colored pencil drawing & the scene of this drawing is two women’s are catching fish in a river.
18. Black Ink Village Scenery
This is the village scenery by using a black ink sketch. If you can look for more interesting drawings visit the Insta page of the artist.
Artist Credit: yvphil
19. Village Doodle

Do you like snowy winter festive black-white countryside pen sketches? If yes, you can try to drawing it.
20. Village Warli Painting

Here’s a beautiful Warli painting. Warli painting was created by the tribal people. Another name of this painting is folk art.
21. The Beautiful Sunset

The scene explores all the beauty of the village in the dawn.
All these village drawing ideas you have seen are great works of artists, I have collected these drawings to help you get references and ideas for your drawing.
If you are a beginner or an advanced artist, you can take help from this. If you find an artwork lovely and interesting make sure to check out the artist and encourage them to keep doing their good work
Keep Drawing!